販売代理店申請フォーム            AGENT REGISTRATION FORM

貴社名 (ローマ字) / Your Company Name (in Roman letters)
貴社名 (漢字) / Your Company Name (in Japanese characters)
住所 / Address

担当者様氏名/ Person in Charge Name (Last name - First & Middle Names)
ローマ字で入力してください / Please put your name in Roman letters
担当者様氏名/ Person in Charge Name (Last name - First & Middle Names)
漢字で入力してください / Please put your name in Japanese characters
担当者様のメールアドレス / Person in Charge Email
ご担当者様の連絡先 / Person in Charge Contact Phone Number
カスタマーサポートの言語を選んでください / Please choose the language of your preference for Customer Support
登記簿謄本のコピー・1枚目 / Your Company Registration Certificate 1st page
請求書発行による後払いをご希望される場合は、会社の登記簿謄本(過去3ヶ月以内に発行されたもの)を提出してください。審査の結果、承認されない場合もございますのでご了承ください。 / Attach a company registration certificate (issued within the past 3 months) only if applying for post-paid billing. Approval is not guaranteed.
登記簿謄本のコピー・2枚目 / Your Company Registration Certificate 2nd page
登記簿謄本のコピー・3枚目 / Your Company Registration Certificate 3rd page
弊社の商品をどこで知りましたか?/ How did you know about our product?
ご購入目的を教えてください。/ What best describes your purpose for this purchase?
「TOP SIMカード」販売代理店規約への同意 / Consent for Terms to Become a TOP SIM Agent
「TOP SIM カード」販売代理店規約
  • 当規約を最後まで読んで同意してください。上記の申請フォームを入力後、確認画面から「送信する」ボタンを押して、登録を完了してください。お客様の情報は、弊社のデータベース及びShopifyに登録され保管されます。 
  • 登録情報(住所、連絡先、担当者名など)の変更やキャンセルのご依頼は、弊社に直接お問い合わせください。 
  • お客様の個人情報は、弊社の個人情報保護方針に従って厳重に取り扱われますのでご安心ください。
  • 注文を行うには、Shopifyオンラインストアへのログインが必要です。登録済みのEメールアドレスと、6桁のコード(別途提供)を入力してログインしてください。https://shop.brastel.com/ja/collections/only-for-representatives
  • ご注文が完了すると、確認メールが届きます。
  • 注文は平日のみ処理され、5営業日以内に発送されます。遅延が発生した場合は、電話またはメールでご連絡いたします。
  • 納品書はShopifyによって自動的に生成され、注文品と一緒にお手元に届きます。 
  • 佐川急便またはクロネコヤマトで配送されます。通常は午前中(正午前)の配送となりますが、正確な時間は保証いたしかねますのでご了承ください。
  • 請求書発行による後払いをご希望される場合、会社の登記簿謄本の提出が必須となり、審査には3営業日をいただいております。審査の結果、承認されない場合もございますのでご了承ください。
  • 請求書は各注文ごとに発行し、支払期日は翌月末となります。同月内に複数回の注文をした場合、請求書はその度に発行されますが、お支払いは一括にまとめて行っていただくことも可能です。
  • 支払いが遅れると、次回の注文が遅れる可能性があります。 
  • または代金引換サービスをお選びいただくと、佐川急便の配送員に現金でお支払い頂くことも可能です。
  • 当SIMカードは、開通(利用開始)までの販売期限がありません。
  • 保管条件によりますが、TOP SIMカードの寿命は4年です。
  • 不良品のSIMカード(端末で認識できない場合)のみ無料で交換いたします。
  • この場合、不良品のSIMカードをまず弊社に返送して頂き、検品をさせて頂きます。

About Registration
  • Please review this information and complete the application form by tapping the SUBMIT button below. Your details will be registered in our database and Shopify for smoother and faster assistance.
  • Please contact us directly for changes to registration details (such as address, contacts, or person in charge) and cancelation requests.
  • Rest assured, your personal information will be handled with the utmost care and confidentiality, per our company's Privacy Policy.
About Orders
  • To place orders, please log in to Shopify using your registered email address and a six-digit code (provided separately)  https://shop.brastel.com/collections/only-for-representatives. You can order any available product anytime, 24/7. .  
  • Once your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.
About Delivery
  • We process orders only on weekdays and within 5 working days. If there are delays, we will contact you via phone or email. 
  • A delivery slip will be automatically generated by Shopify and sent to you with your order.
  • We use Sagawa or Kuroneko Express for delivery, typically in the morning hours (before noon), although the exact timing is not guaranteed.
About Billing
  • We offer a post-payment billing option. In this case, the submission of the company registration document (TOKIBO-TOUHON) is required, along with a processing period of three working days for evaluation. Please note that approval is not guaranteed.
  • An invoice will be issued for each order with a due date at the end of the following month. However, if you place multiple orders within the same month, you can make a single cumulative payment for all invoices at once.
  • Failure to pay on time may result in the delay of your next order.
  • Additionally, you can choose a cash-on-delivery service and pay for your order to a Sagawa express courier in cash. 
About SIM Expiration
  • Before activation, TOP SIM cards do not have a sales expiration date. Depending on storage conditions, TOP SIM cards have a life expectancy of 4 years.
About Return Policy
  • Brastel will only exchange defective SIM cards free of charge (when it cannot be recognized by the terminal). In this case, a defective SIM card must be returned to Brastel first for the tests.
個人情報の取扱いへの同意 / Consent for Handling Personal Information
1. 事業者の名称

2. 個人情報保護管理者の氏名又は職名、所属及び連絡先
所属部署:ブラステル株式会社 総合管理部

3. 個人情報の利用目的

4. 個人情報の第三者提供について

5. 個人情報の委託について

6. 開示対象個人情報の開示等および問合せ窓口
〒130-0015 東京都墨田区横網2-6-2
ブラステル株式会社 個人情報問合せ窓口

7. 個人情報のご提供の任意性について




Handling of Personal Information
  1. Name of the Business Operator 
    Brastel Co., Ltd.

  2. Name or Title, Affiliation, and Contact Information of the Personal Information Protection Manager Manager's
    Name: Personal Information Protection Manager 
    Department: General Management Department, Brastel Co., Ltd. 
    Contact Information: Email: privacy@brastel.co.jp

  3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information 
    The personal information entrusted to us will be used to respond to this matter and to carry out related tasks.

  4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties 
    Except with the individual's consent or as required by law, the personal information you provide will not be provided to third parties.

  5. Outsourcing of Personal Information 
    When outsourcing the handling of personal information to external parties, we will select companies that meet our specified personal information protection standards and supervise them to ensure proper handling.

  6. Disclosure, etc., of Personal Information 
    Subject to Disclosure and Inquiry Contact At the request of the individual, we will respond to notifications of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of the personal information obtained for this matter. 
    [Inquiry Contact] 
    2-6-2 Yokozuna, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-0015 Brastel Co., Ltd. 
    Personal Information Inquiry Desk Email: privacy@brastel.co.jp

  7. Voluntary Provision of Personal Information 
    The provision of personal information to our company is voluntary. However, if the information provided is insufficient, it may not be possible to achieve the purposes stated in item 3 above.
Supplementary Information on the Handling of Personal Information For This Service
Brastel Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "the Personal Information Protection Act"), the Telecommunications Business Act concerning the confidentiality of communications, and other related laws and regulations, as well as the "Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Telecommunications Business," and strives to protect personal information based on the following policy.

<Definition of Personal Information> 
Personal information refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descriptions contained in the information (including information that can be easily matched with other information to identify a specific individual). 

<Acquisition and Use of Personal Information>
Acquisition of Personal Information
The Company will appropriately and fairly obtain your personal information within the necessary scope for the purpose of use. 
Use of Personal Information
The Company will use the personal information it holds for the following purposes related to the provision of services by the Company or its partners. Except as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations, the personal information entrusted to us will not be used beyond the scope of the purpose of use. 
- Verification of identity for the provision, change, or suspension of products and services, billing of usage fees, and other related tasks 
- Providing information about products and services 
- Consideration and development of new products and services 
- Marketing research and other surveys and research 
- Conducting questionnaires, sweepstakes, campaigns, etc.