この度は、ZET-summit 2025への協賛ありがとうございます。下記から、企業・団体情報の入力と協賛プランの選択をお願いします。
ZET-summit 2025運営事務局
TEL:080-2487-1961(平日10-12時/13-17時)/MAIL: zet-summit@screen-cre.co.jp
Thank you for applying for ZET-summit2025 sponsorship. Please enter your company/organization information and select a sponsorship plan in the form below.
<Application Process>
Please complete this sponsorship application form. The Event Administrative Office will contact you later with more details.
ZET-summit2025 Event Administrative Office
TEL: 080-2487-1961 (weekdays 10:00~12:00/13:00~17:00) / E-MAIL: zet-summit@screen-cre.co.jp