退会申請書(Resignation form)

If you are going to withdraw from our society, fill in the following items and post the form. If you are registering some sig groups, they will also be canceled at the same time as your withdrawal.
Could you understand that it takes a week to complete the withdrawal procedure, because we need to check your status? Your withdrawal request will be processed next week, if you submit the form on Saturday or holidays.

確認事項(Confirmation term)
I understand that I need to pay the unpaid fees before making my resignation procedure, if I have outstanding annual membership fees. 
You can check your payment status for membership fees at the member's my page.
ふりがな(Name in hiragana)
会員種別(Membership category)
会員番号(Membership number)
Confirm your membership number at the member's my page.
社名(Company name)
Please input your company name, if you will resign your support membership or special subscription membership.
退会年度(Resignation fiscal year)
The journal will be sent until the end of the fiscal year you choose. In the case of immediate withdrawal, the sending of the journal after the application date will be stopped, but depending on the application date, the sending may be stopped after the next issue. Note that a fiscal year is from April 1st to March 31st of the next year.
電話番号(Telephone number)
退会理由・補足事項(Resignation reason or remarks)