CWIG2025 Sponsor Application Form

Contact Person
Billing Address

1. Sponsorship Packages
[ Sponsorship Package ]
Would you like to apply for a Sponsorship Package?
[ Sponsorship Package: category ]
If yes, please select a category:

2. Exhibit Booths
[ ¥240,000 / unit ]
[ Exhibit Booths ]
Would you like to reserve an Exhibit Booth?
[ Exhibit Booths: number of units ]
If yes, please specify the number of units:

3. Advertising Opportunities
[ Advertising Opportunities ]
Would you like to reserve an Exhibit Booth?
[ Advertising Opportunities: type ]
If yes, please choose from the following:

4. Social Event Sponsorship
[ Social Event Sponsorship ]
Would you like to sponsor a social event?
[ Social Event Sponsorship: event ]
If yes, please select the event:

5. Additional Opportunities
[ Roll-Up Banner Display: ¥240,000 ]
[ Additional Opportunities ]
Would you like to arrange a Roll-Up Banner Display?