Web Application for Booth Opening

①Booth name
➁Group name
③Items for Sale (in the case of a flea market)
④Procedure and Prizes (in the case of the fair)
⑤Participants list
The participant list (Excel file) is available on the Student Union website. Download it, fill in the necessary information, and attach it to the registration form.
A, Manager (1person),Assistant Manager(2people):Name, phone number, email address, faculty,& student ID number
B, Other people involved in preparation and operation:Name, faculty,& student ID number
※For non₋university members, only their name and university name should be provided
⑥Email address
※A confirmation email will be automatically sent to the email address entered in the web application. If you do not receive a confirmation email, your application has not been received and you will be asked to submit another application.